Mustang of the Month; Chris Haar, Courtney Acker, Tori Roberts; January 2024; images: Chris, Courtney, Tori, Mustang logo, white text on blue translucent background with the middle school behind, blue text in white rectangles
teachers dancing
Ruby Gadek
Mustang of the Month; Mrs. Heather Lewis-Hoover, Mr. Dan Amady, Mr. Daniel Mosny; December 2023
Isabella Gifford
London Sirko
Mustang of the Month; Robert Converse, Josh Higby, John Hoke; November 2023
Students work on board, text reads Introducing Mount Markham CSD's ViewSonic ViewBoards
Mustang of the Month Melissa Burke Karie Sanzo Diane Jones October 2023 Mount Markham Central School District Challenging and Inspiring Life-Long Learners; white text on blue background and vice versa, images of the recipients
Kihana Eccleston
Donated tractor
Abigail Schoonover
Mustang of the Month; Mrs. Hannah Nower, Ms. Martha Johnson, Mrs. Amy Hoke; May 2023
Savannah Wilcox
Mustang of the Month; Mrs. Kristin Landgren, Mrs. Stephanie Coffin, Mr. Loren Winegard; April 2023
Cast of Frozen Jr. poses for a photo
Photo #1: Mount Markham Middle School’s Top Cut Beef Contest winners with the cafeteria staff, who helped the team with their project. Students are: (back row) Kihana Eccleston, Kaden Derby, Dillon Bosch, Keira Mowers and Cole Piechowicz; (front row) Amelia Seelman, Natalee Griffiths, Savannah Wilcox and Grace Assisi; (missing) Landon Youngkrans.