Isabella Osborn
Lilly Bennett
Leah Eck
Ellisyn Johnson
Mustang of the Month April 2024 Jennifer Madden Jacklyn Eck Edward Schutz; photos of recipients, Mount Markham logo, white text on blue background and vice versa
Mustang of the Month March 2024, Lori Engle, Ryan Jones and Amanda Boston; images: school logo, Lori, Ryan and Amanda, blue translucent background with school behind, white text, blue text in white boxes
Amazon donation for musical
Feed Our Vets logo
Kylie McGurk
Mustang of the Month; Katelyn Yuhasz, Katie Lindsey, Dave Kirkpatrick; February 2024
Amaria Whithurst
Hagan Griffiths
Mount Markham CSD's SPOs Elementary Sean Kozma, Middle Joe Pedulla, High Dave Kirkpatrick; images: Sean, Joe, Dave, blue text on white background, white text on blue background
First Edition of the West Winfield STAR (earlier editions were known as the Winfield Standard)
Mustang of the Month; Chris Haar, Courtney Acker, Tori Roberts; January 2024; images: Chris, Courtney, Tori, Mustang logo, white text on blue translucent background with the middle school behind, blue text in white rectangles
teachers dancing
Ruby Gadek
Mustang of the Month; Mrs. Heather Lewis-Hoover, Mr. Dan Amady, Mr. Daniel Mosny; December 2023
Isabella Gifford