Mustang of the Month; Mr. Barrett Hawes, Mrs. Nicolette Burgess, Mr. Daniel Circelli; March 2023
Cast of Frozen Jr. poses for a photo
Amelia Seelman
Gavin Washburn
Rori Jones
Chloe Risley
Mustang of the Month; Mrs. Kristen Casale, Mrs. Julie Sliski, Mrs. Meghan Dickens; January 2023
Students pie Principal Carone
Mustang of the Month; Mr. Andy Casale, Mr. Keith Williams, Mr. Alan Bard; November 2022
Grace Assisi
Benjamin Dziuban
Natalee Griffiths
Interested in joining our team? Mount Markham CSD is currently looking for substitute nurses. If interested, please send a letter of interest, resume and certification to by email to or by mail to Christine Roberts, School Secretary, Mount Markham Central School, 500 Fairground Road West Winfield, NY 13491. Call (315) 822-2800 with any questions you may have.
2022-23 Arrival and Dismissal Times