Congratulations to Ryan Jones, Janet Crim, Chris Falcone, Sandra Roberts and Martha Kennedy for receiving a Staff Shout-Out! Thank you for going the extra mile to support our students.

On April 19, the Mount Markham seventh grade visited Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown for an interactive program to help students understand the importance of good health. The program is an annual trip that continues to evolve and grow. This year’s program was led, in part, by students from Cooperstown and Edmeston High Schools. Our students had a great time and learned a lot. Thank you to Bassett Medical Center for supporting education and good health with such a fantastic program.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We are proud to have so many dedicated, hardworking teachers throughout the district.

Recently, our middle school students participated in a Krispy Kreme fundraiser to raise money for their "house" as part of the Mount Markham Middle School PBIS House System. Our top sellers were Ace Greene, Sam Casale, Ayden Dye, Maveryck Lincourt, Samantha Massey, Kaydence Chase, Jayce Kiefer and Briana Fuller. Thank you to all of our students who participated!

Check out the latest progress made on Mount Markham CSD's Capital Project!

Mount Markham Middle School did its own (Exercise) March Madness this year, which ran a bit long because of Spring Break. Students and staff got to vote on their favorite exercise every round. We started with 64 exercises, but there can only be one winner.
Our winning exercise was Jumping Jacks!

Mount Markham Middle School is wrapping up Exercise March Madness! It's down to Jumping Jacks versus Push-Ups. Stay on the lookout for our winning exercise!

Check out the latest progress made on Mount Markham CSD's Capital Project!

Congratulations to our IT Department for receiving a Staff Shout-Out! Thank you for everything you do to keep our district's technology in shape and for helping out with problems as they arise.

The All-School Musical production of Seussical Jr. played to a packed house for three performances and was a smash hit! Involving over 35 students in grades 5-12, our actors had been rehearsing since January to bring the works of Dr. Seuss to life.
The All-School Musical staff would like to thank the administration, staff and community for supporting theater, music and arts in the district. We would also like to extend our appreciation to Gayle Coveny for the awesome pictures.

Tonight, March 25, Mount Markham CSD will host a mental health forum in the high school auditorium from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. For more information, call Leslie Nevills at 315-832-3699.

Mount Markham CSD students recently participated in the All-County II Music Festival! Students performed alongside the best musicians in Herkimer County and worked extremely hard on advanced-level music. We're so proud of their achievements!

Check out the latest progress made on Mount Markham CSD's Capital Project!

Congratulations to Allison Blackwell for receiving a Staff Shout-Out! We appreciate everything you do to support our staff and students.

Congratulations to Brian Mattison for receiving a Staff Shout-Out! We appreciate everything you do to keep the Transportation Department running smoothly.

Today, our middle school students took advantage of the warm weather and spent some time outdoors!

Mount Markham Middle School 5th graders spent the day snowshoeing on the Black River Environmental Improvement Association (BREIA) trails on Friday! Our students had a great day outside with friends while learning a new skill and about the great outdoors!

CONSTRUCTION UPDATES! Check out the latest progress made on Mount Markham CSD's Capital Project!

Mount Markham Central School Hall of Fame nominations are open! Please visit https://www.mmcsd.org/page/home12 for complete information and forms.

Congratulations to Carolyn Goodfellow for receiving a Staff Shout-Out! Thank you for helping out wherever needed.