Last Tuesday, Mount Markham fourth grade took a mountain bicycling field trip to Potato Hill Farm! Our students had a great time. Another group will be going tomorrow, so keep an eye out for more photos to come!
over 1 year ago, Mount Markham CSD
Students pose on mountain bikes
Students pose on mountain bikes
A student rides a mountain bike
Students and staff pose for a photo
Congratulations to Heather Kampf for receiving the first Act of Kindness Award for the 2022-2023 school year! We appreciate all that you do to keep the transportation department running smoothly.
over 1 year ago, Mount Markham CSD
Heather Kampf receives Act of Kindness Award. Photo shows Heather with her award.  Quote reads:  With this being her "first 1st day" as transportation secretary, she was a total rock-star!  Most of us had no idea she was on her own in the office and she handled all the questions and first day kinks with an air of grace and leadership that was very much appreciated by our department. She has proven herself to be a hardworking, dedicated employee, and I am so grateful to have her on our team.
We're almost back to school! Check out our arrival and dismissal times for each school building.
over 1 year ago, Mount Markham CSD
arrival and dismissal times, please call school admin for detailed information
Stewart’s Shops at 336 NY-8 in Bridgewater, NY will host a ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, September 2nd at 11:00 am. In celebration of this event, Stewart’s Shops has donated $2,000 to the Mount Markham Central School District Foundation, and Superintendent Joe D’Apice has been invited to join the ceremony. The event will include free single scoop ice cream cones, free hot coffee/tea, 99¢ Stewart’s Shops sodas and refreshers, 99¢ Make-Your-Own-Hot-Dogs, $2 off any whole 16” pizza pies, $1.99 iced coffees or cold brew, 10¢ off all gas, including diesel, and more!
over 1 year ago, Mount Markham CSD
Grand Opening Flyer
Middle School Open House is set for Thursday September 15, 2022 from 5:30-7:00pm. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
over 1 year ago, Sean Carone
Reminder High School Open House is next Thursday!
over 1 year ago, Mount Markham CSD
Mount Markham FFA recently received a grant of $1000 from the Grants for Growing Program! Grants for Growing is a competitive grant program through the National FFA Organization, sponsored by Tractor Supply Co. The Mount Markham FFA Chapter President, Owen Allen, applied for the grant in March of 2022, and received notice of the award on August 1st. This grant will be used to enclose a portion of the Mushala Land Lab. Great job!
almost 2 years ago, Mount Markham CSD
Mount Markham FFA Chapter President, Owen Allen, poses. A quote reads, “Our chapter will be using these funds to purchase fencing that will enclose an area of the Mushala Land Lab to keep out unwanted wildlife that in years past have hindered the growth of many of our crops and the decomposition of our compost pile.” Logos for FFA and Tractor Supply Co are featured as well
We are having fun training today!
almost 2 years ago, Mount Markham CSD
Reminder tonight's football game is at 6pm
almost 2 years ago, 01Apptegy Admin