
Teaching Positions
To apply to open Mount Markham Central School teaching positions, please visit www.olasjobs.org; search for Mount Markham CSD (under Mohawk Valley | NY), complete your application; upload your resume, transcripts and three letters of reference.
Non-Instructional Position(s) Available
Teacher Assistants
Teacher Aides
Bus Drivers
Bus Monitors and Aides
How to Apply
Submit letter of interest/resume/copy of certification via email to:
Or send letter of interest to:
Joseph D’Apice, Superintendent of Schools
Mount Markham Central School
500 Fairground Road
West Winfield, NY 13491
Online Application Submission
If you wish to submit your application online, please CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION that can be edited using a program like Adobe Reader, Preview, and other PDF readers. Save your application on your computer for your records. Save the application using your last name and first initial and the position you are applying for and then email the application to application@mmcsd.org. For example, SmithKSpecEd.
Welcome to Mount Markham CSD
Fingerprinting Requirement and Information
New Procedures for Fingerprinting as of July 14, 2017
You must use the Service Code or URL below to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. Please do one of the following to schedule a fingerprinting appointment:
Note: Bus Driver applicants must schedule an appointment using the Bus Driver (DMV) service code. When Bus Driver applicants schedule an appointment as a Bus Driver (DMV), they will be prompted to enter an Employer ID number: 20135.
1. Click on www.IdentoGo.com and enter the appropriate service code from this table:
Certification | 14ZGQT |
Employee (SED) | 14ZGR7 |
Bus Driver (DMV) | 15468T |
2. Click on the appropriate URL from this table below:
Certification | |
Employee (SED) | |
Bus Driver (DMV) |
You may call MorphoTrust at: 877-472-6915 to schedule an appointment.
The fingerprint application fee is:
Total Fee $101.75
The new fee breakdown effective August 1, 2019 is as follows: DCJS Fee $75.00; FBI fee $13.25; MorphoTrust/IDEMIA fee $13.50;
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Mount Markham Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities, employment, and admissions, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Jason Sanchez, compliance officer/coordinator, at jsanchez@mmcsd.org (315) 822-2827 or at the School District’s administrative offices located in the Mount Markham Middle School. Inquiries concerning the application of the School District’s non-discrimination policies may also be referred to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), 32 Old Slip, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005, telephone (646) 428-3800 (voice) or (800) 877-8339 (TTY).